More Than Sick of Salt

Coronavirus Induces Oxidative Stress Leading to Autonomic Dysfunction – Part 1

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Notes: This is the first in a series of 5 blog posts about COVID-19 and Autonomic Dysfunction.  This a pre-publication release that will be featured in a major medical journal.

Coronavirus Induces Oxidative Stress Leading to Autonomic Dysfunction Often With Delayed Symptom Onset

Heather L. Bloom, MD1 and Joseph Colombo, PhD, DNM, DHS2

  1. Electrophysiology, Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Emory University Medical School, Atlanta, GA 
  2. Parasympathetic & Sympathetic Nervous System Consultant, Franklin Cardiovascular Associates, PA & Autonomic Dysfunction and POTS Center, Sewell, NJ, and Senior Medical Director & CTO, Physio PS, Inc., Atlanta, GA,

Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Colombo,



Coronavirus, like other viruses and many chronic and serious pathologies, induce Oxidative Stress.  Oxidative Stress largely affects the Mitochondria of cells.  Cardiac and Nerve Cells are known to contain the largest numbers of Mitochondria of the cells in the body. 

The effect of Oxidative Stress on the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic (P&S) branches of the Autonomic Nervous System is to induce dysfunction.  P&S Dysfunction further affects the heart and other organs and systems of the body. 

Since the P&S branches are designed to work together to maintain normal organ function, even when dysfunctional, organ dysfunction is often delayed until P&S dysfunction is very significant.  Symptoms are not induced or realized until organ dysfunction presents. 

This delay in symptoms often appears to be healthy, and therefore is often not associated with the causal factor, such as Coronavirus.  Symptoms resulting from P&S dysfunction are often long-term and significantly impact patient quality of life and productivity. 

Symptoms include severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, lightheadedness, sleep difficulties, brain fog, cognitive and memory difficulties, GI disturbances, shortness of breath, palpitations, and more. 

Unfortunately, these symptoms are often not believed because these patients’ resting state is normal, including office exams, blood work, urine analysis, and other tests administered at rest, including many autonomic tests. 

However, the underlying P&S is not evident during the resting state it is only evident during the dynamic states when tests are typically not performed.  This editorial highlights the possibility of delayed Coronavirus-induced Oxidative Stress-induced P&S dysfunction, describes the possible types of P&S dysfunction, and offers possible therapy options to restore proper P&S function (balance).


ALA                            Alpha-Lipoic Acid

ANS                            Autonomic Nervous System

CoQ10                        Co-enzyme Q10

COVID-19                  Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

P&S                             Parasympathetic and Sympathetic

PE                               Parasympathetic Excess

POTS                          Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

SE                               Sympathetic Excess

SW                              Sympathetic Withdrawal

One Comment
  1. Reply
    Sunny Kahn

    oh wow! I finally have a word for what I’ve been dealing with! I caught covid June of 2020 and am a covid long hauler. Doctors have been dismissing what I believed are multiple cardiac infarctions and fibromyalgia symptoms. This explains what I’ve been dealing with!! Thank you!

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