More Than Sick of Salt

Archive for January 2020

Maintaining Antioxidant Balance

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Oxidative stress is a process whereby, Free Radicals that are produced by the body, cause injury to the tissues themselves; especially one of the most important organelles in the cell.  The organelle that produces energy:  the Mitochondria.  Oxidation is the process of burning, think of fire, or rusting, think of iron.  While oxygen is very important to the body, just like anything else in life, too much is not healthy:  too little fire does not heat or cook, too much fire destroys, just enough fire sustains life.  Oxidative stress is the process of burning healthy cells or cell structures, like Mitochondria.  A common example of a Free Radical is a loose Oxygen ion.  These loose Oxygen ions look to attached themselves (thereby neutralizing themselves) to other loose Oxygen ions or other molecules that are chemically or electrically suited to bind with them.  Most of the time Free Radicals are not healthy; however, under the correct circumstances and at the correct time, Free Radicals are very useful.  An example of ow they are used is by the immune system as a first defense to “burn-out” any new infections.  Another common example is in programmed cell death to “burn” away damaged or useless cells.


It seems ironic, however, the largest producers of Free Radicals, in healthy cells, is the Mitochondria themselves.  Just like any power plant, there is waste (pollution) generated in the process of producing power.  Mitochondria are the power plants of the cells and the body.  It produces Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as the energy molecule, and some of the waste products (pollutants) are Free Radicals.  Under healthy conditions, the body uses these Free Radicals to advantage, as mentioned above.  Under unhealthy conditions, the body requires Antioxidants to neutralize the Free Radicals that are not used.  Under chronic conditions, the body tends to need more than it is able to produce.  In all of these conditions, there is an appropriate Antioxidant-Oxidant Balance that sustains health.  While the exact amounts are unknown, fortunately there is no such things as too many Antioxidants.  It is like having “too many” fire extinguishers.  The less used the better and if they are never used, they are not wasted.  To that end, a well-established and maintained pool of Antioxidants is always healthful.

The body has natural Antioxidants to sequester, or neutralize, Free Radicals to prevent oxidative stress from injuring tissues and destroying cells.  Natural Antioxidants include Vitamins A, C, & E, Glutathione, Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10).  Many scientists feel that ALA is the ideal antioxidant because it is both a lipid and water soluble (it can dissolve in both lipid and water environments) and can cross the Blood-Brain Barrier.  It is absorbed rapidly through the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract high up in the digestive system and it is immediately available to neutralize free radicals quickly.  It has also been shown to recycle Vitamin C and Vitamin E in the body.  Vitamin C is only water soluble and Vitamin E is only lipid soluble.  Because ALA is both liquid and lipid soluble, it can pass the Blood-Brain Barrier and increase available brain energy.  Not only can ALA recycle Vitamin C & E but also Glutathione.  Glutathione is probably the most important intracellular Antioxidant.

The mechanism on how Glutathione is recycled is very complicated.  Glutathione is an indispensable Antioxidant and is synthesized within the Mitochondria and consists of three Amino Acids, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, and Glycine.  Glutathione is not easily absorbed orally and cannot pass through the Mitochondrial membrane so easily.  Therefore, anything that preserves the body’s natural production of Glutathione and keeps the concentration up is valuable.  This is where ALA comes in as a very important Antioxidant.  It recycles Glutathione and replenishes the body’s stores.  Glutathione is a very important component of several enzyme systems in the body that are organ-protective from disease.  There is some data to suggest that ALA is also an excellent chelating agent and protects us from heavy metals, although this is beyond the scope of this discussion.

In regard to the nervous system, ALA is probably the most important Antioxidant protecting neural tissue.  There is an abnormal protein known as Alpha-Synuclein which is highly expressed in neuronal Mitochondria.  It causes neurological damage in diseases such as Lewy Body Dementia, Parkinson’s and in a condition known as Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension.  It may also be operative in diseases, such as Diabetes, Hypertension and Dementia.  ALA suppresses neurological intracellular accumulation of Alpha-Synuclein proteins.  Therefore, it is extremely important.  It is believed that Orthostatic Dysfunction disorders, which can cause autonomic disability, ALA may also be important by preventing the accumulation of Alpha-Synuclein proteins.

CoQ10 is also an extremely important Antioxidant in the human body.  Whereas ALA is extremely important in protecting neural tissue, CoQ10 is extremely important in protecting cardiac and vascular tissue.  There are many studies which have shown its importance in Congestive Heart Failure states.  CoQ10 is an essential lipid soluble Antioxidant which protects cellular membranes and also circulates lipoproteins against Free Radical-induced Oxidative Stress.  When cholesterol molecules become oxidized, they are more readily taken into the artery walls to cause atherosclerotic plaques and CoQ10 is one of the Antioxidants which protect against the oxidation of lipid molecules.

CoQ10 is an essential component of the electron transport chain which functions as an electron carrier and produces ATP, the energy molecule of the body.  Therefore, CoQ10 is important for preserving the body’s energy.  There are many different randomized trials of CoQ10 supplementation, including chronic stable Heart Failure.  Many different methodologies have been used.  However, CoQ10 is a biologically feasible protective mechanism to preserve the heart function.  We have seen this to be the case, empirically, especially for patients who have had surgery.  Literature has shown there is increasing interest in using CoQ10 for the treatment of Mitochondrial disorders because it improves ATP regeneration.  We have found the combination of CoQ10 and ALA to be especially helpful in improving objective measures of autonomic dysfunction in patients who have dysautonomia and have been tested in our autonomic lab and served as their own controls.

Oxidative stress and inflammation contribute to most human diseases.  Mitochondrial damage can also give rise to abnormalities in the immune system.  There is a complex interaction between oxidative stress and cell division and aging.  More research is needed in this area.  However, the abundance of data suggests that Antioxidants are beneficial in maintain good health.  That is not to say that a diet that is rich and high in Antioxidants such as the Mediterranean diet may not be the first preferred mechanism of these protective compounds.  However, we believe that appropriate concentrations and supplements of Antioxidants, specifically CoQ10 and ALA, are important for maintaining proper balance of oxidants and antioxidants and in preventing nerve and cardiovascular tissue damage.

We believe that antioxidants are important in preserving ATP production by Mitochondria and maintaining energy in the nervous system, the brain, the heart, and the vascular system.  By reducing or improving Orthostatic Intolerance syndromes, Antioxidants are part of a complex program which involves exercise, diet, stress reduction, proper sleep and hydration.  All together this program is very beneficial in improving Chronic Fatigue symptoms.

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Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy and Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy

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A 50 year-old female was evaluated for progressive symptoms of fainting, dizziness, and significant drop in blood pressure upon standing over the last six weeks.  She had abdominal discomfort, constipation, dry eyes or dry mouth (which may indicate Sjögren’s Disease), and Anhydrosis (inability to sweat or lack of sweating).  She had urinary symptoms of frequency and could not tolerate bright lights.  All of these symptoms were new.  Her blood pressure dropped 45 points from sitting to standing.  She also has low-normal epinephrine levels at rest when tested in the laboratory.  Her pupils were dilated.  She had no abnormal sensory or muscle abnormalities.

In the Autonomic Neuropathy laboratory, she showed evidence of impaired Sympathetic and Parasympathetic parameters.  Her heart rate response to deep breathing was impaired as was her Valsalva response indicating abnormalities of her cardiovagal system.  Beat-to-beat blood pressure responses during Valsalva showed an absent overshoot, indicating Sympathetic abnormalities.

Because of the acute or subacute onset of symptoms in a middle-aged individual, autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy was suspected.  Various autoimmune antibody tests were conducted, inducing antibodies to reflect Sjögren’s Disease (antibodies to SSA and SSB), Paraneoplastic antibodies (e.g., anti-Hu), and antibodies against Acetylcholine receptors were all negative.  The patient began treatment with conventional medicines to treat Orthostatic Hypotension, including low-dose Midodrine (2.5 mg bid) and Mestinon (30 mg bid).  While the orthostatic blood pressure was better controlled in time, other symptoms of constipation, dilated pupils, bright light sensitivity, and Hypo- or Anhydrosis, continued.  The patient asked if she would benefit from a course of Prednisone or immunomodulating agents such as Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG), as she had been reading up on the Internet, but she may still have an autoimmune type of Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy that was not picked up by conventional autoantibody testing.

Orthostatic Hypotension is one form of autonomic dysfunction and one of the earliest, and perhaps most debilitating symptoms of autonomic neuropathy.  Orthostatic Hypotension is also one form of Orthostatic Intolerance.  Orthostatic Hypotension presents as a significantly abnormal drop in blood pressure in response to upright posture, including standing or head-up tilt table test.  In fact any blood pressure response to standing that is less than a 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure upon standing is considered abnormal.  Specifically, Orthostatic Hypotension is defined as a decrease in blood pressure upon standing of more than 20/10 mmHg pressure, and other change of less than a 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure upon standing is considered to be Orthostatic Intolerance.  Other autonomic forms of Orthostatic Dysfunction include Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (an excessive increase in heart rate upon standing) and, rarely, Orthostatic Hypertension (an excessive increase in blood pressure upon standing).  While there are several underlying reasons for Orthostatic Dysfunction, other than autonomic dysfunction (e.g., venous valve dysfunction and dysfunction of the smooth muscles in the walls of the lower vasculature), the underlying autonomic dysfunction is known as Sympathetic Withdrawal.

Normally, upon standing, the Parasympathetic first decrease to potentiate and minimize the (alpha-) Sympathetic response.  The Parasympathetic decrease is represented by the blue line decreasing, going down, in the figure, above, right.  This begins the process of vasoconstriction to move blood up to the abdomen to help the heart pump blood to the brain.  Then the Sympathetics increase (represented by the red line increasing, going to the right, in the figure, above right).  This Sympathetic increase sustains the vasoconstriction and continues to shift the majority of the blood volume from the feet, against gravity, to the abdomen so that the heart may more easily pump it to the brain (see figure, above, right).  Think of a car as the model.  The Parasympathetics are the brakes and the Sympathetics are the accelerator.  When stopped at a red light with your foot on the brakes and the light turns green, what is the first thing you do? 

…  You take your foot off the brakes.  Even before you touch the accelerator, you begin to roll, you already begin to accelerate.  Taking your foot off the brakes minimizes the amount gas (read that as Adrenaline) and acceleration (read that as Sympathetic stress) you need to reach your desired speed.  The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic nervous systems normally act in much the same manner:  first the Parasympathetics decrease to facilitate and minimize the Sympathetic response, and then the Sympathetics increase.  Sympathetic Withdrawal is the abnormal decrease in alpha-Sympathetic activity upon standing (see figure, left).



Note, women tend towards Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.  This is due to the fact that, on average, women are born with physically smaller hearts than men.  Therefore, when their hearts become deconditioned, their hearts do not have the leverage to increase pressure to deliver more blood to the brain, so it resorts to the only other way and that is to increase rate to deliver more blood to the brain.  This increased rate is Tachycardia (see figure, lower, right:  the upper panel displays the Sympathetic Withdrawal and the lower panel displays the instantaneous respiratory (gray trace) and heart rate (red trace) during the first five-minutes of standing from a seated posture, note how the heart rate does not return to baseline as would be normal, but increases and continues to increase throughout the stand period and, for the most part, exceeds 120 bpm).


In all patients with Orthostatic Dysfunction, a deconditioned heart is a primary symptom.  A deconditioned heart does not necessarily mean that the skeletal muscles of the body are deconditioned.  Patients with Orthostatic Dysfunction and deconditioned hearts are often in good physical condition and are (or were) able to exercise, even rigorously.  In fact the exercise made them feel better (temporarily) because it used the skeletal muscles to help bring blood to the heart to improve circulation.  Their feet were warmer and, in less pain, and their brains were better perfused and more “awake.”  The exercise was a form of temporary, self-medication.  While exercise is ultimately the best medicine to re-condition the heart, the alpha-Sympathetic nerves need to be “retrained” to respond properly and increase to cause the required vasoconstriction needed to support the heart.  Often this exercise needs to be low and slow, so as to not over-stress the nervous system.  A standard to consider is 40 minutes of exercise per day, walking at no more than 2 mph, every day for six months.

On another note, Autonomic Dysfunction may involve multiple dysfunctions.  Often, Orthostatic Dysfunction (Sympathetic Withdrawal) may be accompanied by a Vagal or Parasympathetic Excess (see figure, right).  Parasympathetic Excess may be associated with Vasovagal Syncope.  The Parasympathetic Excess (represented by the blue line increasing in the figure, right) is the Vagal component, followed by the Sympathetic Withdrawal.  With Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Monitoring (P&S Monitoring, aka, Cardiorespiratory Monitoring) separate, but simultaneous measurements of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic nervous system activity is available in an easy to administer and perform test in the clinic.  With documentation of both Sympathetic Withdrawal and Parasympathetic Excess, both conditions may be treated simultaneously:  one treatment to reverse Sympathetic Withdrawal (e.g., Midodrine, Mestinon, or Alpha-Lipoic Acid) and one treatment to relieve Parasympathetic Excess (e.g., very, low-dose Anticholinergics or low and slow Exercise).

These are specific, common examples of Autonomic Neuropathy.  For Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy (AAG) and Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy we need a deeper understanding of Autonomic Neuropathy and its causes.  An autoimmune mechanism where patients produce antibodies against neuronal tissue receptors is only one cause of Autonomic Neuropathy.  Furthermore, given that the Parasympathetic nervous system controls and coordinates the Immune system, recent evidence indicates that Parasympathetic Excess may induce autoimmunity through an excessively active immune system.

Autonomic Neuropathy is a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and is also referred to as Dysautonomia.  Generally, Autonomic Neuropathy refers to the peripheral involvement of the ANS involving the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic and Enteric Nervous Systems, which are all parts of the ANS, and, specifically, the Enteric Nervous System is considered to be a part of Parasympathetic Nervous System.  There are cases of autonomic dysfunction which affect the brain or spinal cord, such as Multiple System Atrophy, but these are separate from Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathies. 

Because the ANS controls or coordinates all organs and systems of the body, all organs and systems are affected, some perhaps more so than others; at least at first.  Therefore, patients with broader or more advanced autonomic neuropathies may have urinary symptoms (such as urinary retention or urinary incontinence), gastrointestinal symptoms (such as abdominal pain, nausea, gastroparesis, diarrhea, constipation or swallowing difficulties), and may have disturbances of heart rate where the heart rate can be very fast, very slow, or have swings in between.  Patients may also have significant drops in blood pressure, a condition known as orthostatic hypotension, especially when stranding from a lying or sitting position.  Many patients have exercise intolerance and cannot increase their heart rate effectively when they exert themselves.  They can have abnormal pupil responses or sweat disturbances:  either sweating too much or too little.  Patients may have dry eyes or dry mouth (so called Sicca Syndrome, aka. Sjögren’s Disease).  The patients may also fail to recognize, or have defective, warning symptoms of hypoglycemia.  Most importantly, people with Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathies should have no evidence of Parkinson’s disease or abnormalities of the cerebellum with gait disturbances as is seen in more serious diseases known as Multi-System Atrophy (MSA).

When a person presents with symptoms of Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy, we often seek the cause.  Many have had antecedent, recent viral or bacterial infections.  Some may have had concussions or head trauma or a motor vehicle accident.  Occasionally, we see people with severe, acutely emotional stress.  Patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or Hypermobility usually develop a more gradual type of autonomic dysfunction and not an acute or subacute type.  Diabetes is probably the most common cause of autonomic dysfunction and also causes gradual nerve damage throughout the body.  We can also see certain medicines, such as use of cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy causing injury to nerves which can produce autonomic neuropathies.

A rare disease, Amyloidosis (AL) which affects organs in the nervous system due to build up to abnormal proteins can occur, specifically those related to light chains or a familial type related to a different type of abnormal protein called Transthyretin (hATTR).  The latter is a build-up of a genetic mutation that results in a misfolded Transthyretin protein.  This causes Amyloid deposits in various organs, including the heart, nerves and GI tract.  When it occurs in the nerves, patients can develop Autonomic Neuropathy and Orthostatic Hypotension.  Neurodegenerative disease, including Parkinson’s disease or Lewy Body Dementia and even Multiple Sclerosis, eventually lead to autonomic dysfunction.  Interestingly, although Parkinson’s disease and Lewy Body Dementia affect the central nervous system, the autonomic dysfunction that results is due to a Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy.  There are certain hereditary causes of Autonomic Neuropathy.

Some autoimmune diseases, however, can cause autonomic neuropathies.  This is when a person’s body produces antibodies that attack nervous system components.  One such case is Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy.   Occasionally, similar mechanisms are seen in people who have cancer where they produce antibodies against their nerve tissue that can affect the Peripheral, the Sensory-Motor, and Central nervous systems in these people.  This is known as a Paraneoplastic Syndrome.  We can send out for testing of antibodies if this is suspected.  Other autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system damages nerve fibers, include Sjögren’s syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Collagen Vascular Diseases, Celiac Disease, and occasionally Guillain-Barre Syndrome.  Chronic Alcoholism can also cause chronic Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy.  Although rare, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) can have some elements of autonomic dysfunction.

Usually autoimmune diseases can come on quickly, such Guillain-Barre Syndrome, in which autoantibodies attack the nervous system.  At times, they can occur subacutely and rarely chronically evolve.

Eloquent rabbit and other animal experiments have shown that Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy may be caused by autoantibodies that the body produces against nerve tissue.  A human study[1] followed 112 patients with type 1 Diabetes and upon examination found the presence of circulating antibody to ANS structures.  They concluded that circulating antibody to autonomic structures was associated with development of autonomic dysfunction in young diabetic patients.  They found this to be independent of blood sugar control.  Their perspective study demonstrated that the detection of circulating autoantibodies in the nervous system and subsequently over time the development of autonomic dysfunction most likely having a cause and effect relationship.  In this study, they also tested for somatic neuropathy with deep tendon reflexes, ankle reflexes, and vibratory perception to follow the evolution of sensory types of neuropathy found in diabetics.  Blood sugar control when it was poor appeared to accelerate into sensory neuropathy abnormalities that were followed with these physical examination parameters, but blood sugar did not predict the Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy manifestations of the autoimmune components.  Autoantibodies to ANS tissues preceded the development of Autonomic Neuropathy in many of these patients.  Type 1 Diabetic patients who developed Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy had a prevalence of 68% antibody positivity when tested, which was significantly higher compared to antibody-negative patients.  The most impaired test was Parasympathetic Nervous System response to deep breathing, which is mainly mediated by the Parasympathetic Nervous System.  It is believed that autoimmune mechanisms that target Sympathetic and Parasympathetic structures play a significant causative role in the development and progression of autonomic dysfunction in type 1 diabetics, long-term, and the finding of autoantibodies in the blood, even in type 1 diabetics who do not have Autonomic Neuropathy predicts, with high positive predictive value, those who will develop Autonomic Neuropathy.

Autonomic Neuropathy is a continuum, starting with Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy and ultimately progressing to and ending with Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN).  From P&S Monitoring, Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy is characterized by abnormal challenge responses (that is to deep breathing, Valsalva, or stand or tilt) with normal resting responses.  The next phase of Autonomic Neuropathy is Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy (DAN, if the patient is diagnosed with Diabetes) or Advanced Autonomic Dysfunction (AAD).  DAN or AAD are characterized by abnormally low, resting Parasympathetic or abnormally low, resting Sympathetic activity, but the resting Parasympathetic activity is greater than 0.1 bpm2 (see figure, right).  One branch activity low is sufficient for AAD, both indicates a more advanced AAD.  AAD or DAN is associated with more overt symptoms of Autonomic Neuropathy, and significantly greater morbidity risk leading to numbers of co-morbidity.  Unfortunately, the co-morbidities tend to be treated independently, leading to significantly increased numbers of medications, rather than seeking the underlying cause and treating that to relieve multiple symptoms and co-morbidities.  While DAN or AAD is not life threatening, it does threaten quality of life.

End stage Autonomic Neuropathy, CAN, is defined by resting Parasympathetic activity less than 0.1 bpm2 (see figure, right), regardless of the level of resting Sympathetic activity or challenge responses.  Returning to the car analogy, this would be like worn brakes.  Regardless of the state of the accelerator, without any brakes, you may not stop and the possible crash may be life threatening.  It is similar with CAN.  Without significant levels of resting Parasympathetic activity to balance resting Sympathetic activity, mortality risk escalates, and the risk is stratified by the level of imbalance between the P&S branches, known as Sympathovagal Balance (SB:  for CAN patients, the range of normal SB is 0.4 < SB < 1.0).  Normalizing SB, treats CAN, and normalizes mortality risk.

Other studies have shown relationships between autoantibodies and development of autonomic dysfunction.   These have shown an independent relationship with blood sugar control as well.  The mechanism in autoimmunity in type 1 diabetics is similar to what is seen in Paraneoplastic dysautonomias in which patients with cancers develop antibodies against their Acetylcholine receptors and develop severe autonomic dysfunction.  The higher the levels of antibodies, the worse the autonomic dysfunction is in these patients.  This indicates a therapeutic role for Acetylcholine inhibitors in the improvement in autonomic dysfunction.  It is interesting that type 1 diabetics also have an autoimmune mechanism where there is an active B-cell response against pancreatic and nervous system tissue.  It may well be that autoantibodies attack both the pancreas and the ANS.

The mechanisms differentiating sensory neuropathy and Autonomic Neuropathy in type 1 Diabetes are different.  The sensory neuropathy is associated with blood sugar control.  The Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy is not.  Also, 30% of patients who develop signs of peripheral somatic neuropathy, such as sensory or motor abnormalities, do not have associated autonomic dysfunction.  There appears to be two different mechanisms operating:  (1) sensory neuropathy in diabetes appears to be effected by poor blood sugar control and may be related to metabolic or oxidative end products with poorly controlled diabetes; whereas, (2) the diabetic type 1 Autonomic Neuropathy appears to be autoimmune as an individual produces antibodies against neuronal tissue and is not related to the blood sugar level.  The authors stated that they do not know whether the autoantibodies enhanced the presentation of antigens or a lead to Channelopathies.  Therefore, based on results of animal experimental studies and the perspective followup of over 16 years of type 1 diabetes, it is now established that autoantibodies may cause a Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy.

Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy appears to affect the Acetylcholine Ganglionic receptors.  It is an antibody-mediated response that usually presents with autonomic failure involving the Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Enteric nervous system.  Various portions of the Acetylcholine receptor can be affected by antibodies attacking different locations within the receptor.  Usually, this evolves over acute or subacute course.  50% of individuals will have antibodies to the Acetylcholine receptor and the other half will not.  However, the half that do not have antibodies detected and do not have any Paraneoplastic antibodies detected probably still have unknown antibodies for which we have not been able to search.  Higher titers of antibodies usually correlate with the severity of the Dysautonomia.  Patients with high antibody titers in a study by Vernino in the Annals of Neurology, 2003, had a combination of Sicca Syndrome with marked dry eyes and dry mouth, abnormal pupillary light response, upper gastrointestinal symptoms and neurogenic bladder.  Higher antibody titers appear to be associated with more frequent Cholinergic Dysautonomia.  Chronic cases occasionally occur and are difficult to separate from advanced autonomic failure, which is a separate disorder, quite rare, which can remain chronic or evolve into a more severe central disorder or a degenerative disorder, such as Parkinson’s or MSA.  Orthostatic Hypotension, widespread Hypo- or Anhidrosis, dry mouth, dry eyes, sexual dysfunction, urinary retention, impaired pupillary responses, reduced heart rate variability and gastrointestinal symptoms ranging from gastroparesis to postprandial abdominal pain, to diarrhea and more commonly constipation can occur.  Rarely, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, a severe form of hypomotility of the GI tract can occur.  Oftentimes, a virus, a recent immunization, or surgical procedure is reported prior to onset of symptoms which are similar to what we see with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which does not usually involves the autonomics, or only mildly, but involves the sensory and motor components of the nervous system.

Interestingly, in the treatment of advanced Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy, if one has high levels of anti-Acetylcholine antibodies, they will come down.  Also, high levels of antibodies against Acetylcholine receptors are associated more with acute and subacute onset and more severe Dysautonomia with prominent Cholinergic features (i.e., Sicca complex, prominent gastrointestinal dysmotility and pupillary abnormalities).  Low titers are often seen in more indolent and chronic phenotypes.  As mentioned, half of patients may not even have titers that are positive for antibodies and a yet unidentified antibody may be the culprit.

Occasionally, in the chronic forms that evolve patients present with Orthostatic Hypotension as the more prominent feature and oftentimes they cannot stand for periods of time and may even faint.

Low plasma Catecholamine levels, such as reduced Norepinephrine release, are seen in patients with autoimmune widespread dysautonomia.  Sudomotor testing, which reflects postganglionic dysfunction indicating dysautonomia, is easily performed in laboratories and clinics.  Studies of Sympathetic cardiac innervation with MIBG scans showing abnormal cardiac uptake in Norepinephrine spillover tests may confirm a postganglionic dysfunction.  It is important to differentiate between acute and subacute onset Pandysautonomias with prominent Cholinergic abnormalities, as these respond well to immunotherapy, such as IVIG, Prednisone or other immune suppressive agents.

If only one feature of dysautonomia is present, usually antibody titers to Acetylcholine receptors are not present.   An individual could have an isolated entity known as Chronic Idiopathic Anhidrosis.  These patients have heat intolerance.  They have a better prognosis as this is a restrictive type Dysautonomia.  However, only about 16% of people test positive for Acetylcholine receptors with this disorder, and they usually have a low titer.

The Burning Feet Syndrome, usually due to Small Fiber Neuropathy seen often in diabetics, usually affects small unmyelinated nerve fibers, but some may not have any etiology, and it is postulated that this could be an autoimmune mechanism with distal fiber neuropathies.  However, these patients have low positivity of Acetylcholine receptors.

Chronic Pseudointestinal Obstruction, where patients get frequent obstruction of the bowel, a severe dysmotility disorder may be caused by many mechanisms.  No specific antigen or antibodies have been identified.  However, if one has positive antibodies against the Acetylcholine receptor, this may represent a form of Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy affecting the GI tract more selectively.  In other words, this could be another variant of Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy caused by Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy (AAG).

Remember, seronegativity or absence of antibody responses, measured in patients with acute and subacute and occasionally chronic peripheral autonomic neuropathies does not exclude an autoimmune mechanism.  It just may imply that the responsible autoantibody has not yet been identified.  Some of these patients will respond to steroids and immunosuppressive agents such as IVIG and it is worthwhile considering this.  Sandroni and Low in a paper, Other Autonomic Neuropathies Associated with Ganglionic Antibody Production, concluded that “similar phenotypes may have very different pathogenetic mechanisms” and “idiopathic” should not equate “autoimmune.”

While AAG patients do not typically have sensory abnormalities, some may describe minor sensory symptoms such as tingling, but with objective testing, sensory loss is not present, however, they have preserved reflex knee jerks, tickle sensation and so forth.

Immunomodulator therapy, such as Prednisone, IVIG, and other immunosuppressive agents may be very useful when used early in patients with Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy.  The higher the titers, for example, greater than 1 mmol/spot per liter, usually implies that one can improve with therapies.  Also, the more severe Orthostatic Hypotension patients with high levels of Acetylcholine receptor antibodies appear to improve with immunomodulator therapy.  Both seropositive and seronegative AAG patients may respond to therapies, including plasma exchange and some combinations of immunosuppressive therapy especially if they do not respond to IVIG initially.

The clinical features of AAG reflect impairment of Sympathetic function with Orthostatic Hypotension, Syncope, Anhidrosis, Parasympathetic dysfunction (including, dry mouth, dry eyes, and impaired pupillary constriction), and Enteric dysfunction (including, gastrointestinal dysmotility, constipation, gastroparesis and rarely pseudo-obstruction)[2].

In regard to the Enteric Nervous System, there were two main plexus, the Myenteric (Auerbach’s) and Submucosal (Meissner’s neurons).  The Enteric Nervous System controls most gut functions, such as secretion, absorption, vascular tone and motility.  An enteric ganglionitis is an inflammatory neuropathy with inflammation and immunological insult to the intrinsic innervation supplying the GI tract.  It may be associated with Paraneoplastic Syndrome and even infections such as Chagas Disease.  There are diffuse lymphoid infiltrates in the small intestine, and this can cause pseudo-obstruction or infiltration of myenteric ganglia and can also cause Achalasia, which is a contraction and motility disorder of the Esophagus.  Autoantibodies, including antineuronal antibodies, are associated with this disorder, and it is oftentimes associated also with Paraneoplastic or cancer syndromes.  Clinical features of Enteric Ganglionitis include, dysmotility and delayed transit depending on what is affected in the gastrointestinal tract, whether it be the Esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter, stomach with gastroparesis ,or colon with an intestinal pseudo-obstruction and colonic inertia and even megacolon.

Paraneoplastic syndromes can cause a Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy even before cancer becomes manifested.  Oftentimes, they present as a subacute sensory neuropathy.  These patients may usually have a small cell cancer and anti-Hu antibodies.

As mentioned earlier, other types of neuropathy, such as the sensorimotor neuropathy, Guillain-Barre Disease, and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), Brachial Plexopathy and Vasculitis Neuropathy may cause autonomic dysfunction in addition to sensory symptoms and sensory ataxia.  Oftentimes, some of the sensory impairments are painful.  Fiber loss is predominate in small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.   These can have similar antibodies detected as is seen in Paraneoplastic syndromes.

Connective tissue diseases can be associated with subacute neuropathies.  This has been seen frequently with primary Sjogren’s syndrome where seven forms of neuropathy can be identified.  A variable degree of autonomic dysfunction occurs with these collagen vascular and connective tissue diseases.  They may have Hypo-or Anhidrosis, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea.  These mechanisms may be different than autoimmune type autoantibodies seen in the conventional AAG patients.  In these instances, T cells attack tissue or ischemia due to vasculitis may be operative.  Interestingly, in many of these collagen vascular connective tissue vascular dysautonomias, SSA and SSB antibodies, which are often seen in Sjogren’s syndrome normally are not present.

In addition to Guillain-Barre, subclinical autonomic dysfunction has been reported in up to 25% of CIDP patients involving both Parasympathetic and Sympathetic components.   Vasomotor and Sudomotor fibers are involved when the Sympathetic systems is affected.  Autoimmune antibodies may not be present in these syndromes.  Alexander Szali , [Autoimmune Diseases, 2013] discussed autonomic involvement in subacute and chronic immune mediating neuropathies.  He concluded that autonomic function may be impaired in subacute and chronic immune mediated neuropathies in which Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Enteric arms of the ANS are affected.  When a physician sees Orthostatic Hypotension, gastrointestinal dysmotility, pseudo-obstruction, urinary retention, etc., one should be alerted to the fact that this could be an autoimmune mechanism.  Also, one should be alert for the possibility of underlying occult cancer when an Autonomic Paraneoplastic disorder is suspected.

In an editorial by Muppidi, February 2018, in Clinical Autonomic Research, the author writes that Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies are known to have a pathological role in AAG as an individual can produce antibodies against the Ganglionic Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor and disrupt cholinergic transmission at the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic ganglia.  This is the mechanism behind the Pandysautonomia.  One should have a low threshold for ordering ganglionic AChR antibodies in patients with acute and subacute onset focal or generalized autonomic dysfunction syndromes.  Muppidi makes a distinction between those that are seropositive and have positive antibody levels, and those who have negative antibody levels.  Those with negative antibody levels, or seronegative patients, appear to respond to high dose steroids whereas those who have positive autoantibody responses appear to more respond to plasma chains, IVIG or Rituximab.  The author postulates that there may be different underlying mechanisms in patients who have seropositive and seronegative AAG, and they propose a cell-mediated or inflammatory immune process rather than antibody-related mediated mechanism in those patients who are seronegative who may respond to high dose steroids.

Different assays test for Nicotinic Acetylcholine receptors.  Conventionally, Radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP) assays have been used for sensitive detection of autoantibodies to Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptors in serum of patients with AAG.  In Japan, they have developed a Luciferase Immunoprecipitation System (LPS) which does not involve radionuclide administration.  As mentioned earlier, one can do a cardiac MIBG scan which will show decreased cardiac uptake, which also can be seen in Lewy Body Disease and Parkinson’s Disease as well as Dementia with Lewy Bodies in these Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathies.  The heart-to-mediastinum ratio is calculated and if low in these patients the ratio reflects a peripheral mechanism of autonomic dysfunction.

AAG should not be confused with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) in which there is an Autoimmune Channelopathy that is caused by autoantibodies to the neuromuscular junction apparatus.  In 80%, of these patients, these autoantibodies are noted against the muscle-type of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor, not the ganglionic-type as seen in AAG.

High levels of antibodies in AAG patients are seen in patients with more significant autonomic dysfunction.  However, Ganglionic Anticholinergic Antibodies have been found in patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndromes only.  Chronic Idiopathic Pseudo-Obstruction patients typically have chronic idiopathic Anhidrosis and Distal Small Fiber Neuropathy albeit in low titers as we have previously discussed.  Interestingly, several researches have also reported that patients with other neuroimmunological disorders, such as Myasthenia Gravis, Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy may have antibodies to ganglionic Acetylcholine receptors and autonomic symptoms.

In 2009, researchers reporting in the Journal of Immunotherapy Cancer, describe a seronegative AAG from dual immune checkpoint inhibition in patients with Metastatic Melanoma.  This is a very sophisticated new class of cancer treating agent using Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor therapy.  It described a patient who developed symptoms of nausea, constipation, weight loss, fatigue and hypotension with systolic blood pressures as low as 70 and holding the Immune Checkpoint Inhibition caused resolution of the symptoms.  In these patients, antibodies against Anticholinergic Receptors, anti-GAD 65 antibodies, Paraneoplastic Syndrome Antibodies (Mayo Clinic panel), ANA, Lyme, Syphilis and HIV testing were all negative.  The patient also responded to treatment with pulse doses of IV Solumedrol and received IVIG.

In summary, AAG is one form of an autoimmune autonomic dysfunction syndrome due to autoantibodies.  When it is seropositive with high antibody titers, autonomic dysfunction is usually quite severe, and we can follow antibody titers which lower with treatment.  They respond more to immunosuppressive agents such as IVIG.  It appears that seronegative patients with features consistent with AAG respond better to steroids, and this may reflect a cell-mediated and not a humoral mechanism.  Patients with autonomic neuropathy often have Orthostatic Intolerance, severe GI symptoms with nausea, vomiting, early satiety, constipation, bloating and may even present with Achalasia and Paralytic Ileus.  Sudomotor dysfunction in these patients is abnormal as there can be postganglionic disorders.  Pupillary dysfunction with bilateral Mydriasis, which reflects Parasympathetic denervation, is often prominently seen in AAG.  We refer to this as an Adie Pupil.  However, some cases of pupil dysfunction can be mixed problems with Sympathetic and Parasympathetic dysfunction.  There is also a slow form of AAG which resembles another disorder, Pure Autonomic Failure, which is more of a neurodegenerative disease due to an Alpha Synucleinopathy disorder.

In regard to our clinical vignette, which we presented at the beginning of this treatise, this patient appears to have a seronegative type of Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy.  Consideration for immunotherapy and immunomodulating therapy should be given although some literature suggests that high-dose steroids may be a better first option.

While not the most common cause of Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy, Autoimmune Autonomic Neuropathy does exist and one needs to think of it, test for it and follow the clinical course clearly to be able to make the diagnosis and initiate early treatment.


[1] Maria Zanone MM, Raviolo A, Coppo E, Trento M, Trevisan M, Cavallo F, Favaro E, Passera P, Porta M, Camussi G.  Association of Autoimmunity to Autonomic Nervous Structures With Nerve Function in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: A 16-Year Prospective Study .  Diabetes Care Apr 2014, 37 (4) 1108-1115; DOI: 10.2337/dc13-2274.

[2] Winston and Vernino, 2010, Current Opinions in Neurology



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What is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

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Patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) are often quite symptomatic and have Orthostatic Intolerance (an abnormal blood pressure in response to upright posture, including standing) and Orthostatic Tachycardia (a high heart rate response to standing).  Many times, there is an antecedent viral infection and this suggests that there may be an element of autoimmunity triggered by a viral infection.  Note, tachycardia is mediated by beta-Adrenergic nerves innervating the heart and orthostatic dysfunction is due to an alpha-Adrenergic insufficiency in the lower vasculature.  POTS patients may also demonstrate a Parasympathetic Excess, further exacerbating their condition.  Due to the fact that all three of these disorders involve three different portions of the autonomic nervous system, all three dysautonomias may present simultaneously.

Orthostatic dysfunction is one form of autonomic dysfunction.  It is of the earliest results of autonomic dysfunction and perhaps the most debilitating symptom of autonomic neuropathy.  Orthostatic Hypotension is one form of Orthostatic Intolerance.  Orthostatic Hypotension presents as a significantly abnormal drop in blood pressure in response to upright posture, including standing or head-up tilt table test.  In fact any blood pressure response to standing that is less than a 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure upon standing is considered abnormal.  Specifically, Orthostatic Hypotension is defined as a decrease in blood pressure upon standing of more than 20/10 mmHg pressure, and other changes of less than a 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure upon standing is considered to be Orthostatic Intolerance.  Other autonomic forms of Orthostatic Dysfunction include Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and, rarely, Orthostatic Hypertension (an excessive increase in blood pressure upon standing).  While there are several underlying reasons for Orthostatic Dysfunction, other than autonomic dysfunction (e.g., venous valve dysfunction and dysfunction of the smooth muscles in the walls of the lower vasculature), the underlying autonomic dysfunction is known as Sympathetic Withdrawal.

Normally, upon standing, the Parasympathetics first decrease to potentiate and minimize the (alpha-) Sympathetic response.  The Parasympathetic decrease is represented by the blue line decreasing, going down, in the figure to the right.  This begins the process of vasoconstriction to move blood up to the abdomen to help the heart pump blood to the brain.  Then the Sympathetics increase (represented by the red line increasing, going to the right, in the figure to the right).  This Sympathetic increase sustains the vasoconstriction and continues to shift the majority of the blood volume from the feet, against gravity, to the abdomen so that the heart may more easily pump it to the brain.



Think of a car as the model.  The Parasympathetics are the brakes and the Sympathetics are the accelerator.  When stopped at a red light with your foot on the brakes and the light turns green, what is the first thing you do?  …  You take your foot off the brakes.  Even before you touch the accelerator, you begin to roll, you already begin to accelerate.  Taking your foot off the brakes minimizes the amount gas (read that as Adrenaline) and acceleration (read that as Sympathetic stress) you need to reach your desired speed.  The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic nervous systems normally act in much the same manner:  first the Parasympathetics decrease to facilitate and minimize the Sympathetic response, and then the Sympathetics increase.  Sympathetic Withdrawal is the abnormal decrease in alpha-Sympathetic activity upon standing (see figure, left).




Note, women tend towards Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).  This is due to the fact that, on average, women are born with physically smaller hearts than men.  Therefore, when their hearts become deconditioned, their hearts do not have the leverage to increase pressure to deliver more blood to the brain, so it resorts to the only other way and that is to increase rate to deliver more blood to the brain.  This increased rate is Tachycardia, see figure, right:  the upper panel displays the Sympathetic Withdrawal and the lower panel displays the instantaneous respiratory (gray trace) and heart rate (red trace) during the first five-minutes of standing from a seated posture.  Note how the heart rate does not return to baseline as would be normal, but increases and continues to increase throughout the stand period and, for the most part, exceeds 120 bpm.



In all patients with Orthostatic Dysfunction, a deconditioned heart is a primary disorder.  A deconditioned heart does not necessarily mean that the skeletal muscles of the body are deconditioned.  Patients with Orthostatic Dysfunction and deconditioned hearts are often in good physical condition and are (or were) able to exercise, even rigorously.  In fact the exercise made them feel better (temporarily) because it used the skeletal muscles to help bring blood to the heart to improve circulation.  Their feet were warmer and in less pain and their brains were better perfused and more “awake,” less “brain-fog” and memory or cognitive difficulties.  The exercise was a form of temporary, self-medication.  While exercise is ultimately the best medicine to re-condition the heart, the alpha-Sympathetic nerves also need to be “retrained” to respond properly and increase to cause the required vasoconstriction needed to support the heart.  Often this exercise needs to be low and slow, so as to not over-stress the nervous system.  A standard to consider is 40 minutes of exercise per day, walking at no more than 2 mph, every day for six months.

On another note, Autonomic Dysfunction may involve multiple dysfunctions.  Often, Orthostatic Dysfunction (Sympathetic Withdrawal) may be accompanied by a Vagal or Parasympathetic Excess (see figure, right).  Parasympathetic Excess may be associated with Vasovagal Syncope.  The Parasympathetic Excess (represented by the blue line increasing in the figure, right) is the Vagal component, followed by the Sympathetic Withdrawal.  With Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Monitoring (P&S Monitoring, aka, Cardiorespiratory Monitoring) separate, but simultaneous measurements of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic nervous system activity is available in an easy to administer and perform test in the clinic.  With documentation of both Sympathetic Withdrawal and Parasympathetic Excess, both conditions may be treated simultaneously:  one treatment to reverse Sympathetic Withdrawal (e.g., Midodrine, Mestinon, or Alpha-Lipoic Acid) and one treatment to relieve Parasympathetic Excess (e.g., very, low-dose Anticholinergics or low and slow Exercise).

In an article by Li and coworkers in the Journal of American Heart Association in 2014, the authors showed that patients with POTS have elevated levels of Alpha 1 AR autoantibodies.  These exert a partial peripheral antagonist effect which causes a compensatory Sympathetic activation of the Alpha 1 AR for vasoconstrictors and the Beta AR-mediated tachycardia.  They concluded that coexisting Beta 1 AR and Beta 2 AR agonist autoantibodies facilitated a tachycardia.  They felt that this may explain the increased standing plasma norepinephrine and excessive tachycardia observed in many POTS patients, the so called hyperAdrenergic POTS syndrome. They examined the serum of 14 POTS patients and concluded that the POTS serum acted as a partial Alpha-1 antagonist and caused a compensatory Sympathetic activation.  They concluded that their data supported an autoimmune mechanism for POTS patients.  Perhaps future management, they predicted, would ideally block autoantibody activity and leave the receptors unblocked.

In a diagram in the article, they show how in the upright position of POTS patients there is pooling of blood in the veins and a slight drop in blood pressure, which causes a baroreceptor activation.  Alpha 1 AR-Ab impaired vasoconstriction results, and this is an impaired Alpha 1 AR-mediated vasoconstriction.  This increases the drop of blood pressure, which causes an exaggerated baroreceptor activation then an exaggerated sympathoneural response with resultant tachycardia.  These investigators also found that Beta 1 AR activating autoantibodies were also present in all of their POTS patients tested, and this facilitated the Beta 1 AR agonist activation in in vitro testing with cyclic AMP.  There was also a variable presence of Beta 2 AR autoantibodies.  These autoantibodies contribute to exaggerated tachycardia in POTS patients also.  They postulated that these antibody receptors may also cause abnormal neurohumoral responses in people with cardiomyopathies.

In the Annals of Clinical Translational Neurology, an article published by Watari and co-workers, evaluated the association between POTS and circulating anti-ganglionic Acetylcholine receptors (gACHR) antibodies.  They used a special test for gACHR antibodies, known as the Luciferase Immunoprecipitation System.  These investigators found that antecedent infections were common in POTS patients.  They also had autoimmune markers and comorbid autoimmune diseases frequently in seropositive POTS patients.  Anti-gACHR antibodies were present in a significant number of POTS patients. They had two groups of patients.  Ten were seropositive for autoantibodies with POTS and ten POTS patients who were seronegative.  They found that antibodies were more frequently detected in patients with POTS than patients with neurally mediated syncope (NMS).  This was an observational study, but it showed that anti-gACHR were detected more frequently in patients with POTS compared to vagal syncope patients.  This supported an autoimmune mechanism for at least 29% of POTS patients who had anti-gACHR Alpha 3 and Beta 4 antibodies in the serum from POTS patients.  In 2016, Fedorowski demonstrated a strong relationship between Adrenergic antibodies in patients with POTS.  They showed the shift in Alpha 1 AR and Beta 1 AR responsiveness is important in the pathophysiology of POTS.  A large percentage of the POTS patients had autoantibodies that activated Alpha 1 AR, Beta 1 AR and Beta 2 AR, respectively.

They concluded that their studies affirmed the concept that common cardiovascular dysautonomias includes a spectrum of autoantibodies which contributed to the clinical manifestation.  They compared this with inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST) with circulating antibodies against cardiac B receptors, as previously reported by Chiale (Heart Rhythm, 2006).  They emphasized that the catecholamine surge in POTS patients is seen as a compensatory mechanism to override the Alpha 1 AR malfunction with autoimmune blockade seen in POTS patients, but not seen in vagal syncope patients.

An article by Gunning and his coworkers in the Journal of the American Heart Association, volume 8, #18, discussed POTS associated with elevated G-protein coupled receptor autoantibodies.  The authors noted that in most cases the POTS patients had at least one elevated G-Protein coupled Adrenergic autoantibody, and in some instances, both Adrenergic and Muscarinic autoantibodies which supports the hypothesis that POTS may be an autoimmune mechanism disorder.  They evaluated antibodies levels against four subtypes of G-Protein coupled Adrenergic receptors and five subtypes of G-Protein coupled Muscarinic Acetylcholine receptors by an ELISA technique.  Eighty-nine percent of patients had antibodies against the Adrenergic Alpha 1 receptor, and 53 percent against the Muscarinic Acetylcholine M4 receptor.  Four patients had elevations of G-Protein coupled antibodies against all nine receptor subtypes measured in their study.  Five POTS patients had no elevation of any autoantibody and controls had no elevation.  They postulated that their findings suggested that possibly immunomodulating medications may be a therapeutic target in the future for POTS patients who are refractory to other forms of treatment.

POTS affects 3 million people in the United States, particularly young women of childbearing age.  Many mechanisms related to the etiology of POTS demonstrate that viral infections, Celiac disease, Thyroiditis, and joint Hypermobility may trigger it.  The authors used ELISA kits purchased from CellTrend GmbH (Luckenwalde-Germany) to detect antibodies against nine different G-Protein coupled receptor antibodies, including four anti-human AdrR epitopes and five anti-human mAChR epitopes.  The authors cited Li reporting antibodies to Beta Adrenergic B2 and Muscarinic M3 receptors by ELISA and 75% of patients with significant Orthostatic Hypotension and that subsequently antibodies of both Adrenergic Alpha 1 and Beta 1 receptors were reported in POTS patients along with angiotensin 2-type autoantibodies also found in POTS patients.  The most prevalent autoantibody in their investigations was anti-Adrenergic A1 receptor and that one had to have an elevation of autoantibodies against A1 to also have other Adrenergic and Muscarinic receptor autoantibodies.  The A1 Adrenergic receptor function is a vasoconstriction and antibodies specific to this G-Protein coupled protein receptor would therefore cause an ineffective response to simulating resultant hypotension and then a compensatory tachycardia would result through a baroreflex mechanism.

In the Journal of American Heart Association recently, an article titled Adrenergic Aorta Antibody-Induced Postural Tachycardia Syndrome in Rabbits, Li and coworkers build on their previous work of Adrenergic autoantibody in POTS.  In this study, they develop and Adrenergic receptor peptide-immunized rabbit model.  The Adrenergic antibodies were similar to antibodies isolated from patients with POTS syndrome.  The POTS-like phenotype in rabbits was induced by these Adrenergic autoantibodies, and the rabbits actually demonstrated postural orthostatic tachycardia.  This study showed that there is an animal model of POTS based on autoimmune causes.  The immunization of rabbits with Adrenergic receptor peptides induced a POTS-like presence of symptoms and orthostatic tachycardia.  In an article by Miller and Doherty entitled Hop To It: The First Animal Model of Autoimmune Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, they review the importance of the work done by Dr. Li with the rabbit model.  They also were impressed by not only the Adrenergic autoantibodies inducing a POTS-like phenotype in rabbits which exacerbated orthostatic tachycardia and produced Adrenergic receptor dysfunction, but this was suppressed by selectively clearing the antibodies in vivo.  This gives promise to future research in humans if an autoimmune mechanism could be further substantiated.

Autoantibodies to Adrenergic receptors contribute to the pathophysiology of POTS is a hypothesis.  The Adrenergic receptors are key regulators of blood pressure and heart rate.  Patients with POTS have impaired Alpha 1 Adrenergic receptor 1-induced vasoconstriction and compensatory enhanced Beta 1 Adrenergic receptor-induced tachycardia.

The study by Li on rabbits not only develops an animal model but a potential target of therapy for POTS.  It established a target immune therapy, the potential therapy for POTS.  Twenty-five percent of POTS patients become disabled and cannot work or attend school.  In the United States, for immune therapy targeting autoantibodies, we rely on plasma exchange, Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIG), and possibly B cell depleting strategies.  There are risks with plasma exchange, however, including hypotension, coagulopathy, central access problems, etc.  IVIG has adverse effects, including inflammatory reactions, Hemolytic Anemia and Aseptic Meningitis.  B cell depleting therapy such as with Rituximab, which targets CD20+ B cells to remove B cell populations that are precursors to antibodies producing plasma cells, has been considered.  However, this agent has a strong safety profile although infections and severe reactions to first infusions can occur.  There are other new techniques being developed for immunoabsorption that could be promising in the future.  The question remains, will the rabbit model of POTS be representative of the various presentations of the patient’s population with POTS and further research needs to be done.  In an article by Gunning, coworkers and Grubb, they note that POTS is usually misdiagnosed as chronic anxiety or panic disorder because their autonomic failure is not usually severe.  However, they nicely demonstrated 89% Adrenergic Alpha 1 receptor antibodies in 53% Muscarinic Acetylcholine antibodies in the patient patients with POTS.

All of this data points to an autoimmune mechanism in POTS as possibly the common final pathway.  An animal model now produced may be very useful in research.

Also, Yu and coworkers in the Journal of American Heart Association published an article, Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Autoantibodies in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia.  They acknowledge that autoantibodies to Alpha 1-Adrenergic and Beta 1/2-Adrenergic receptors had previously been found in serum from patients with POTS.  They investigated the role of AT1R autoantibodies in POTS patients.  They found that most patients with POTS did have AT1R antibody activity.  This supported the concept that AT1R autoantibodies and anti-Adrenergic autoantibodies act separately or together and exert a significant impact on the cardiovascular pathophysiology characteristic of POTS.

In total, all of this data shows that with POTS patients there is an association with autoantibodies to various Adrenergic receptors and Angiotensin receptors.  The animal model makes a cause and effect theory plausible to fulfil Hills Criteria of Causation.

Unfortunately, testing for antibodies to these receptors is still in the experimental stage and no definitive treatment has been published in controlled studies.  However, this is very promising research information for future endeavors.

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ME/CFS is a heterogeneous group of patients. Recent studies [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] suggest triggering insults such as infections can cause autoantibodies and oxidative stress to dysregulate cellular and specifically mitochondrial energetics, both of which may lead to exercise intolerance. Other common symptoms of ME/CFS may be due to (1) disturbed gut microbiota possibly leading to “leaky-gut” or other GI consequences [6, 7, 8]; (2) microglial activation and inflammation of the nervous system, including the central nervous system, possibly leading to chronic pain due to allodynia and hyperalgesia [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] (see the two figures from [13]); (3) neuronal inflammation is important in the pathophysiology of creating many disabling symptoms; (4) high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and low levels of antioxidants, such as CoQ10 or Glutathione, have been reported [17]; or (5) abnormalities of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis possibly leading to “delayed cortisol awakening” [18, 19, 20] possibly leading to unrefreshing sleep. We recommend ALA because Glutathione does not penetrate into the Mitochondria whereas ALA does and helps to recycle Glutathione, along with many other benefits.

Myhill and coworkers [21] used an Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) profile test (see Appendix) in neutrophils to establish mitochondrial dysfunction in ME/CSF patients. They concluded “our observations strongly implicate mitochondrial dysfunction as the immediate cause of CFS symptoms (see Figure from [21]). However, we cannot tell whether the damage to mitochondrial function is a primary effect or secondary effect to one or more of a number of comorbidities, for example, cellular hypoxia or oxidative stress, including excessive peroxynitrates.” A familial aggregation of ME/CFS has been noted [22]. Metabolic differences in ME/CFS patients demonstrate inability of CFS Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCS) to fulfill cellular energetic demands both under basal conditions and when Mitochondria are stresses during periods of high metabolic demand such as hypoglycemia [20].

The concurrence of similar autoantibodies in patients with POTS [21] (which may be comorbid with Vasovagal Syncope) and ME/CFS (particularly muscarinic and adrenergic receptor abnormalities) [17, ] is more than coincidental. Parasympathetic and Sympathetic dysfunction and ME/CFS are apparently “joined at the hip.” Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobile patients may have a genetic predisposition to autoimmunity and mitochondrial dysfunction. Many of these patients also manifest autonomic (P&S) dysfunction and ME/CFS. POTS, EDS and ME/CFS all have significant fatigue as a common symptom with a “dynamic” Parasympathetic Excess (PE) as a common dysautonomia. PE is central to Vasovagal Syncope [24]. Many of the symptoms of EDS or Hypermobility are due to “leaky” connective tissue which causes an excessively active immune system, which is associated with PE since the Parasympathetics control the immune system. We also find that PE is significantly associated with ME/CFS [24]. The adrenergic abnormalities may be explained by PE, including excessive adrenergic or Sympathetic activity. With PE, Sympathetic Excess is secondary, due to the Sympathetic response being abnormally amplified by the Parasympathetic increase (rather than the decrease that is expected to happen normally) [24]. In fact we believe, the autoimmunity to also be associated with PE. PE causes an overactive immune system, which in more normal patients may lead to autoimmunity. PE mediated autoimmunity results from the immune system being excessively active, and having exhausted any invading entities, turns on the host. We have seen that relieving PE has relieved some autoimmune symptoms [personal observation].

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing various viral pathogens potentially associated with ME/CFS and possible molecular mechanisms altered by these pathogens that can contribute to ME/CFS development [25]

This figure describes the putative role of immune brain communication in the pathogenesis of severe intractable fatigue. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on antigen presentation cells (APCs) may be activated by pathogen- or damage-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/DAMPs) leading to the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and the subsequent upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines (PICs), including interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). These radical species may further damage macromolecules, increasing levels of redox-derived DAMPs which further engage TLRs in a self-sustaining cycle. PIC signals reach the brain via the afferent arm of the vagus nerve, engagement with transporters in the blood brain barrier (BBB) and passive diffusion. Inflammatory signaling from the periphery activates microglia which produce a range of neurotoxic molecules activating astrocytes causing a loss of brain homoeostasis and disruption of the BBB. The latter allows abnormally high numbers of activated T and B cells and macrophages to circulate between the periphery and the brain. This figure is original. [26]

Activation of microglia after peripheral nerve injury. Microgliosis in the spinal cord is coordinated by sensory afferent derived injury signals, whereby chemokines, nucleotides, and other pro-inflammatory mediators released from damaged afferent terminals could signal through post-synaptic surface receptors to activate microglia. Preclinical studies showed spinal nerve injury could lead to sustained neuronal upregulation and/or increased synaptic release of neuregulin-1, matrix metalloproteases, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2, fractalkine and its cognate receptor CXCR3. Release of danger/damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), intracellular nucleotides or proteins that become highly immunogenic when liberated into extracellular space, could also occur in primary afferent injury. In particular, ATP signalling through ionotropic purinergic receptor (P2X4R and P2X7R) was shown to contribute to microglial activation and inflammatory cytokine release. Activation of microglial pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), for example toll-like receptors (TLR2 and TLR4) and receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), by afferent-derived DAMP mediator high mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1), represents another microglial activation pathway. Activated microglia will in turn release pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6), colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1), brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), reactive oxygen species (ROS) among others into the spinal cord micro-environments, to direct multidirectional crosstalk between primary afferent, interneurons, secondary neurones, astrocytes and microglia. [13]

Interaction between microglia and other cell types during neuropathic pain. Microglia engage in extensive neuronal and immune cell crosstalk during neuropathic nociceptive transmission. (A). ATP-stimulated brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) release from microglia was shown to depolarise nociceptive neurones in spinal cord, by inverting the polarising current from GABA-A receptor. (B). Microglia-astrocyte interaction was also evident during sensory nerve injury. IL-18 (also IL-1β) release from activated microglia likely signals through IL18R on astrocytes, together with increased chemokine CX3CL1-CX3C1R interaction between microglia and astrocyte, activates NF-kB pathway in astrocytes to upregulate the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Astrocyte-derived interleukin-1β and interleukin-23 are thought to promote allodynia/behavioural sensitisation from nociceptive stimulation, by modulating NMDA receptor activities on post-synaptic neurones. (C) Activated microglia could also stimulate the endothelial expression of intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) from peripheral inflammatory pain stimulation, to alter the permeability of blood-brain barrier. (D) Sensory nerve injury also stimulated the spinal oligodendrocytes to release interleukin-33/alarmin, which targets the microglia and astrocytes to promote IL-1β and TNF-α release. (E) Microglia-mast cell interaction may also contribute to neuropathic pain. In peripheral nerves, resident mast cell degranulation could sensitise/activate nociceptors, likely through the action of histamine, to result in neuropathic pain. Mast cells are also located in the spinal cord, and upon activation, the release of mast cell tryptase could directly activate microglia through protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2), upregulating the synthesis of pro-nociceptive TNF-a and interleukin-6. (F) CD4+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate the dorsal spinal horn after sensory nerve injury to contribute to spinal microglia activation, through the release of interferon-γ, to mediate tactile allodynia. [13]

Main stages and location of energy metabolism in a human cell (left), and simplified details of a mitochondrion showing the main metabolic cycles and the oxidative phosphorylation respiratory chain (right). The outer mitochondrial membrane is highly permeable whereas the inner membrane is permeable only to water and gases. Special carrier and Translocator proteins pass reactants through it. At the top are the proteins involved in the respiratory electron transfer chain (ETC) and in the transfer of ATP and ADP between the cytosol and mitochondrion. ADP and Pi are combined by ATP synthase to make ATP. The ADP/ATP Translocator opens OUT to transfer ADP into the matrix and opens IN to transfer ATP to the cytosol. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide plays a key role in its oxidized form NAD+ and its reduced form NADH + H+ in carrying and transferring protons (H+) and electrons (e−) [21].



The “ATP profile” test yields 5 independent numerical factors from 3 series of measurements, (A), (B), and (C) on blood samples (neutrophils).   The 3 series are:

  1. ATP concentration in the neutrophils is measured in the presence of excess magnesium which is needed for ATP reactions. This gives the factor ATP in units of nmol per million cells (or fmol/cell), the measure of how much ATP is present. Then a second measurement is made with just endogenous magnesium present. The ratio of this to the one with excess magnesium is the ATP Ratio. This tells us what fraction of the ATP is available for energy supply.
  2. The efficiency of the oxidative phosphorylation process is measured by first inhibiting the ADP to ATP conversion in the laboratory with sodium azide. This chemical inhibits both the mitochondrial protein cytochrome a3 (last step in the ETC) and ATP synthase [50]. ATP should then be rapidly used up and have a low measured concentration. Next, the inhibitor is removed by washing and re-suspending the cells in a buffer solution. The mitochondria should then rapidly replete the ATP from ADP and restore the ATP concentration. The overall result gives Ox Phos, which is the ADP to ATP recycling efficiency that makes more energy available as needed.
  3. The TL switches a single binding site between two states. In the first state ADP is recovered from the cytosol for re-conversion to ATP, and in the second state ATP produced in the mitochondria is passed into the cytosol to release its energy. Measurements are made by trapping the mitochondria on an affinity chromatography medium. First the mitochondrial ATP is measured. Next, an ADP-containing buffer is added at a pH that strongly biases the TL towards scavenging ADP for conversion to ATP. After 10 minutes the ATP in the mitochondria is measured. This yields the number TL OUT. This is a measure of the efficiency for transfer of ADP out of the cytosol for reconversion to ATP in the mitochondria. In the next measurement a buffer is added at a pH that strongly biases the TL in the direction to return ATP to the cytosol. After 10 minutes the mitochondria are washed free of the buffer and the ATP remaining in the mitochondria is measured and this gives the number TL IN. This is a measure of the efficiency for the transfer of ATP from the mitochondria into the cytosol where it can release its energy as needed.


The “ATP profile” tests were developed and carried out at the Biolab Medical Unit, London, UK (, where one of us (JMH) was Laboratory Director until retirement in 2007. Blood samples in 3-ml heparin tubes were normally received, tested and processed within 72 hours of venepuncture. We briefly describe here the 3 series of measurements, (A), (B) and (C) and how the 5 numerical factors are calculated. (Step-by-step details can be obtained by contacting JMH at

Neutrophil cells are separated by HistopaqueTM density gradient centrifugation according to Sigma® Procedure No. 1119 (1119.pdf available at Cell purity is checked using optical microscopy and cell concentration is assessed using an automated cell counter. Quantitative bioluminescent measurement of ATP is made using the Sigma® Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) Bioluminescent Somatic Cell Assay Kit (FLASC) according to the Sigma® Technical Bulletin No. BSCA-1 (FLASCBUL.pdf). In this method ATP is consumed and light is emitted when firefly luciferase catalyses the oxidation of D-luciferin. The light emitted is proportional to the ATP present, and is measured with a Perkin-Elmer LS 5B Fluorescence Spectrometer equipped with a flow-through micro cell. Sigma® ATP Standard (FLAA.pdf) is used as a control and as an addition-standard for checking recovery. Similar kits are available from other providers, e.g. the ENLITENTM ATP Assay System (Technical Bulletin at, and dedicated instruments are now available, e.g. Modulus Luminescence Modules (see Application Note /PDF/997_9304.pdf).

  1. ATP is first measured with excess magnesium added via Sigma® ATP Assay Mix giving result a. This is the first factor, the concentration of ATP in whole cells, ATP = a in units of nmol/106 cells (or fmol/cell).
    The measurement is repeated with just the endogenous magnesium present by using analogous reagents produced in-house without added magnesium, giving result b in the same units. The ratio, c = b/a, is the second factor, the ATP Ratio.
  2. In order to measure the ADP to ATP conversion efficiency via the ox-phos process, the ATP (with excess magnesium) result, a, is used and then the conversion is inhibited in the laboratory with sodium azide for 3 min and result d is obtained (also with excess magnesium). The laboratory inhibitor is then removed by washing with buffered saline and the mitochondria should rapidly replete (again 3 min) the ATP supply from ADP. This gives result e in the same units. The conversion efficiency Ox Phos is
    f = [(e – d) / (a – d)].

(C). In order to measure the effectiveness of the Translocator (TL) in the mitochondrial membrane the cells are ruptured and the mitochondria are trapped onto pellets of an affinity chromatography medium doped with a low concentration of atractyloside. This immobilises the mitochondria while the other cell components are washed away. The buffers used then free the mitochondria leaving the atractyloside on the solid support that plays no further part in the method. The mitochondrial ATP concentration is measured giving result g in units of pmol/million cells. For the next measurement some pellets are immersed in a buffer (which acts as an artificial cytosol) containing ADP at pH = (5.5 ± 0.2) which biases the TL towards scavenging ADP to be converted to ATP in the mitochondria. After 10 min the ATP is measured again, giving result h in the same units. The factor TL OUT is the fractional increase in ATP:
j = [(h – g) / g].
For the next measurement pellets are immersed in a buffer not containing ADP and the TL is biased away from ADP pickup and towards ATP transfer into the artificial cytosol at pH = (8.9 ± 0.2) After 10 min the mitochondrial ATP is again measured giving result k, and the factor TL IN is the fractional decrease:
l = [(g – k) / g].



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Gastroparesis is a chronic disease accompanied by bloating, early fullness after a meal, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.  A diagnosis of Gastroparesis requires objective data demonstrating delayed gastric emptying in the absence of intestinal obstruction.  There are, however, disorders known as Gastroparesis-Like Syndrome (GLS).  Patients with GLS have the same or similar symptoms to those who have Gastroparesis, but on gastric emptying studies it shows normal or rapid emptying.  Interestingly, both patient types, those with Gastroparesis (slowed or delayed emptying) and those with normal or rapid emptying, have been shown to benefit from Gastro-Electrical Stimulation (GES) placement.  GLS may be actually be a spectrum of Gastroparesis.  Patients who present with unexplained nausea and vomiting for at least 12 weeks without evidence of obstruction should be evaluated for both Gastroparesis and GLS.  Chronic unexplained nausea patients may have similar abnormal scores on the Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index (GCSI); therefore, an objective test of gastric emptying needs to be done, such as a Scintigraphic Gastric Emptying study.  For patients who have chronic unexplained nausea and vomiting on biopsy have loss of neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) and loss of Interstitial Cells of Cajal.  These two findings are also seen in chronic Gastroparesis.

As a quick summary, when comparing patients with Gastroparesis with delayed gastric emptying and GLS with normal or rapid emptying, they both have similar GSCI scores.  The difference is in the gastric emptying study.  Gastroparesis patients appear to have slow emptying and a loss of the Interstitial Cells of Cajal.  However, the Cells of Cajal also decrease in GLS patients.

Inflammation has been found in patients with these disorders, usually with elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels.  CRP is produced in the liver and responds sensitively to inflammation, making it a very good marker of inflammation.  Inflammation, as indicated by elevated CRP, is typically very prevalent in Diabetic Gastroparesis.  One study showed that patients treated with immunomodulating agents, such as IVIG or Mycophenolate Mofetil or a combination of steroids and Mycophenolate Mofetil improved in 8-12 weeks supporting an anti-inflammatory and possibility and autoimmune mechanism.  Studies confirm the hypothesis that patients with Gastroparesis and GLS are part of a spectrum and inflammation is an underlying factor.

Prospective studies are needed to further assess changes in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), Central Nervous System and Enteric pathways that play a role in Pyloric, Antrum and Gastric emptying.  Rapid emptying may present in the form of a dumping type syndrome.  While this is a common complication of esophageal, gastric or bariatric surgery and may include both early and late dumping components, it also can be seen in idiopathic states and post viral.  Liquid meals may be better to detect acceleration of early gastric emptying than in solid meals.  Solid meals generally have a low sensitivity and specificity for detecting accelerated gastric emptying.  Therefore, if someone is suspected of having dumping syndrome and has a normal gastric emptying study with a solid meal, a liquid meal should be considered.

Most people with dumping syndrome develop signs and symptoms, such as abdominal cramps and diarrhea 10-30 minutes after eating while other people can just have symptoms three hours later, which includes symptoms of hypoglycemia.  Generally, the early symptoms result when a patient feels bloated or too full after eating.  That is early satiety.  Also, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, flushing, dizziness, lightheadedness, and rapid heart rate can be experienced.  Late dumping syndrome starts one to three hours after a meal, especially one that is high in sugar.  The dumping is usually a hypoglycemic or low sugar abnormality.  It is usually due to the release of a large amount of insulin to absorb the sugars entering the small intestine.  These can produce vasomotor (vascular) symptoms, including sweating and flushing, lightheadedness, weakness and rapid heart rate (palpitation), plus an intense desire to lie down.  Physical exam of these patients show significant orthostatic changes, not just increase in heart rate but also a drop in blood pressure can occur upon standing or sitting-up.  An abnormal change in blood pressure (including a decrease of any sort) upon assuming an upright posture (sitting up or standing) is known as Orthostatic Intolerance, and in the more extreme cases Orthostatic Hypotension.  Vasomotor symptoms predominate.  The late dumping symptom of orthostatic dysfunction is a consequence of active hypoglycemia from exaggerated release of insulin.

Some patients do not experience a drop in blood pressure when assuming an upright posture, rather they experience a rapid or irregular heart rate (tachycardia or palpitations).  Occasionally Propranolol, or a low-dose Verapamil, is useful in treating these rapid or irregular heartbeats which can occur in dumping syndrome.  These abnormal heart rate patterns are characteristic of the orthostatic dysfunction of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).  POTS tends to occur more in younger females.  This is due to the fact that women are born with hearts that are physically smaller in size (especially thinner muscle walls) than men.  This may cause women to experience cardiac deconditioning more than men, and in these cases, since the heart is smaller, it cannot leverage pressure; therefore, it leverages rate in its attempt to deliver more blood to the brain.  This can occur in the early or late stage gastric dumping.

Most people that develop dumping syndrome have early dumping and only about a quarter have late dumping.  The early dumping patients generally have both abdominal symptoms and vasomotor symptoms.  The abdominal symptoms, as mentioned, include early satiety, abdominal pains, nausea, cramps, diarrhea and vomiting, whereas the vasomotor symptoms include the sweating, flushing, tachycardia, palpitations, low blood pressure, headaches and at times even passing out, or syncope.  These symptoms are related to the bowel becoming distended and hormones being secreted by the GI tract and activation of the ANS, specifically the Parasympathetic Nervous System.  Therefore, with early dumping, one has both vasomotor and gastrointestinal symptoms.  One to three hours later, the second phase, one has reactive low blood sugar or reactive hypoglycemia symptoms.  These are predominately what we call vasomotor in origin.  If a patient develops dumping syndrome, they often avoid food and eating because symptoms are so uncomfortable.

Usually, an oral glucose challenge of 50 grams of glucose is given.  An increased heart rate by 10 beats per minute in the first hour is considered a positive test.  Also, if the hematocrit increases 3% in the first 30 minutes that suggests dumping syndrome.  Late dumping syndrome is indicated if one develops low blood sugar 2 to 3 hours later.  Radionuclide Scintography, also known as Gastric Scintography, demonstrates rapid gastric emptying with standardized tests.  The main mechanism for dumping syndrome is the rapid introduction of partially digested food into the small intestine.

Dumping syndrome is often seen after gastroesophageal surgeries such as Fundoplication (a surgical procedure to treat gastric reflux), or bariatric surgeries.  It had at one time been seen for surgical treatment of peptic ulcer disease.  This is rarely the case since medical therapy is very effective.  Gastric bypass is the most common cause of dumping syndrome that we see today in adults.  Up to 75% of patients have dumping syndrome after gastric surgery, but many of them learn how to handle this with proper dietary intake.  Dietary modifications are important.  Complex carbohydrates, small meals of six per day, reducing the actual carbohydrate quantity, and fluid intake are important to modify.  Fluids should be taken one hour after meals or after ingestion of solids, since liquids will quicken the transit time through the stomach.  Dairy products should be avoided.  Fats and proteins are preferred over carbohydrates.  Increasing dietary fiber helps to treat the reactive hypoglycemia that is seen in a delayed response and it also slows the gastric emptying.  If one feels lightheaded and they have low blood pressure they should lie down after eating.

If a patient does not respond to dietary moderation, low doses of Loperamide may be beneficial for the diarrhea.  Candy is useful to relieve the hypoglycemia which may occur later.  Oftentimes, abdominal distention and bloating can be controlled with probiotics.   A medicine used in treating diabetes, Acarbose, has been useful for the late stage of dumping syndrome.  It lowers the blood sugar elevation after eating and helps to control reactive hypoglycemia.  Anticholinergic medicines also may be very useful in slowing rapid GI transit due to Parasympathetic Excess.  Antispasm medicines, such as Dicyclomine (Benadryl) or Propantheline, may helpful.  There are other more advanced medicines which Gastroenterologists can use such as Diazoxide to control the reactive hypoglycemia in the late dumping stage.  Another advanced medication is Somatostatin, but these advanced medications are used in patients with intractable symptoms.  GES is a recently developed advanced treatment.  Interestingly, GES normalizes gastric transit time by actually slowing it, and patients respond.  This should be considered, just as in Gastroparesis, in patients that are unresponsive to dietary changes and drug therapy.  GES helps improve rapid gastric emptying and causes increased gastric retention of food and reduces nausea and vomiting.

Many times the Dumping Syndrome is not diagnosed.  It can be seen in Diabetes, but there is also an idiopathic form and surgery need not necessarily be present.  Rumination Syndrome and Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome need to be excluded.  Rumination Syndrome is an effortless regurgitation of gastric contents into the mouth, caused by contraction of the abdominal wall, and subsequent re-swallowing of food.  A large number of patients who have not had gastric surgery have underlying Anxiety, Depression or Diabetes Mellitus, and a few have a diagnosis of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome or reported Cannabis use.  Cannabis may cause rapid gastric emptying and a condition known as Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.  Cannabis may also cause unexplained upper gastrointestinal symptoms, as seen in some hospitalized patients.

Patients without prior history of gastric surgery that have dumping syndrome are classified as idiopathic.  In the past, we diagnosed these people as having non-ulcer dyspepsia.  However, the patients who have dumping syndrome usually have more severe abdominal cramping as well as systemic symptoms of sweating, weakness, palpitations, flushing and dizziness which is more pronounced in people with just non-ulcer dyspepsia.  About a third of these patients with Idiopathic Dumping Syndrome have had a prior gastroenteritis probably due to a viral mechanism.  It is believed that injury to the duodenal receptors, mainly the osmotic and fat receptors, which control gastric emptying, may be damaged.  Another is that the Vagus Nerve (a major part of the Parasympathetic nervous system) is only partially damaged.  It is speculated that rapid gastric emptying is due to early Vagal damage where just the distal end of the Vagus Nerve is damaged.  This is a part of a spectrum.  When the entire Vagus Nerve is damaged, one could get slow gastric transit or Gastroparesis.  Gastroparesis is a possible state that evolves into a more complete Vagal loss (as in Diabetes).  The Vagus Nerve is the longest nerve in the body and is very susceptible to damage both at surgery and viral infections as well as inflammation or oxidative stress (stress at the cellular level).

Among the identifiable causative factors for dumping syndrome in nonsurgical patients, Diabetes is the most common.  Therefore, Diabetes can cause both (1) a rapid emptying or a dumping-type presentation, as well as, (2) a delayed emptying or a Gastroparesis-type presentation.  Therefore, with significant abdominal symptoms with nausea and vomiting, especially if they have vasomotor symptoms, dumping syndrome should be suspected, although the symptoms may be identical to Gastroparesis and a gastric emptying study will differentiate the two.  This is important because treatment and pharmacology will differ.  In all refractory patients, GES by different mechanisms may improve the gastric motility.  Rarely are surgical revisions necessary in patients with dumping syndrome except if they have had prior bariatric surgery, in which case many times revisions might be indicated.

Rapid gastric emptying sometimes occurs in people who have not had stomach surgery.  For example, those who have recent onset of Diabetes, especially type 2 Diabetes.  This is in contrast to Gastroparesis which usually is a late finding in Diabetes and more often seen in Diabetes type 2 than type 1.  Non-surgical, rapid emptying may also occur in patients with (1) Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, which can cause problems with digestion, or (2) Duodenal ulcers, or (3) Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which is a rare condition in which one or more tumors form in your pancreas or the upper part of your small intestine (duodenum). These tumors, called Gastrinomas, secrete large amounts of the hormone gastrin, which causes your stomach to produce too much acid.  All in all, many cases rapid gastric emptying remains idiopathic (meaning of unknown origin).  Much more research is required into the unknown of the Gastrointestinal and Enteric Nervous Systems.

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